Bolsa Pacific at Westminster
Westminster, CA
1,065 DU | 26 AC | 40.96 DU / AC
200,000 SF Retail
2.5 AC Park
102 Townhomes
175 Key Hotel
Architect of Record
Design Architect
Flanking the site of the Westminster Mall, a new mixed-use redevelopment project is set to transform a portion of the mall into a thriving urban center. The plan will re-envision the outdated mall and introduce contemporary multifamily housing, for sale townhomes, shops and restaurants, a community park, and hotel. The site will consist of three 5-and-6-story wrap apartment buildings with integrated retail and high-end amenities. Meeting the open-space demands of the local community, 2.5 acres of the site is dedicated as a new park space, featuring pathways and connections to nearby trails. This development will spark an urban renaissance for the city’s future generations.